
Finishing Touches - Sliding Door Handles

Finishing touches – our stylish sliding door handles

We know that the finishing touches to your home make all the difference, which is why our sliding doors are available with a range of handle options to match your home and your style.

Autumn view through window

Seasonal update | Our guide to the weather changing

As the nights draw in and the weather starts to cool down our after-sales team get the occasional phone call from customers asking about changes to their doors and windows. To offer advice and provide more information we have put together this blog with some explanations and further detail.

The Future of Smart Homes

The Future of Smart Doors and Windows

The demand for home renovations and extensions has remained high, even with the cost of living increasing. Planning authorities granted 327,600 planning decisions in the year ending March 2023 as homeowners look for new ways to maximise their usable inside space.

Sliding doors that meet Building Regulations Approve Document F

Document F | The changes to Building Regs and choosing glazed doors

The most recent updates to Building Regulations came in to force in June 2022 and there are three Approved Documents that impact the design and specification of glazing products - this blog covers Approved Document F : Ventilation

Sliding doors that meet Building Regulations Approve Document L

Document L | The changes to Building Regs and choosing glazed doors

The most recent updates to Building Regulations came in to force in June 2022 and there are three Approved Documents that impact the design and specification of glazing products - this blog covers Approved Document L - conservation of fuel and power

Sliding doors that meet Building Regulations Approve Document O

Document O | The changes to Building Regs and choosing glazed doors

The most recent updates to Building Regulations came in to force in June 2022 and there are three Approved Documents that impact the design and specification of glazing products - this blog covers Approved Document O : Mitigating Overheating

Aluminium bifold doors with views over the South Downs

How to order bifold doors

When it comes to ordering bifold doors there are a range of decisions to be made, but the vast number of combinations and options mean that some of those choices aren’t always the most straightforward. Read on to find out about some of the most common considerations.

A SUNFLEX bifold door with flush track

Can I have a flush track with my bifold doors?

With many bifold door projects, the ambition is creating a flush finish between your home and patio and to do this bifold doors can be designed with completely flush tracks – however, in many circumstances, this isn’t something we would normally advise.

Juliet balcony behind SF55 bifold doors

Do Juliet Balconies add value to your home?

Juliet balconies, also known as false balconies or balconets, are a type of aesthetic balcony that doesn’t project from the building. Most are installed behind glazed sliding, French or bifold doors on the upper floors, with the balcony element effectively functioning as a safety barrier.

Operating doors in hot weather - FAQs

Operating doors during hot weather

Opening up your aluminium bifold and sliding doors to step outside into the hot summer sunshine is one of the big attractions of our door systems.

Aluminium bifold doors design ideas

Bifold door design ideas

For most customers who choose a bifold door system for their home, the configuration they choose will consist of a number of panels that open up to one end, and in doing so creating a much sought-after connection between house and garden.

Integral bifold door blinds

Can you have blinds in bifold doors?

When it comes to blinds for bifold doors there are a few of options, you can either opt for blinds that hang down from the ceiling above, choose blinds that clip on to the internal face of the doors or you can choose integrated blinds where the blind system is incorporated within the sealed unit.

Sliding door glass

Technical advice | Inspecting glass and glazing

Since 2000 IDSystems has installed the highest quality Insulated Glass Units (IGUs) for our products. We work closely with a carefully chosen set of glass manufacturers to offer the highest standards of quality, whatever products from our range you choose for your home.